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Padel Competition Rules

In terms of scoring, the scoring method of padel tennis is the same as that of tennis.

There are no restrictions in leisure and entertainment. You can feel the unique fun of padel tennis in doubles or singles.

In official competitions, padel tennis is all doubles (similar to doubles in tennis, it combines the rules and playing methods of squash, 4 people per game, 2 people in a group)


Serving and hitting

  1. All serves in padel tennis are served from the right serving area to the opponent’s court. It is a diagonal serve like tennis.


  1. The serve must enter the opponent’s serving area. If the ball falls into the serving area and hits the side wall or back wall, this is a valid serve, and the opponent must continue to hit back. The server must

Keep at least one foot on the ground, and the foot cannot touch or cross the serving line.


  1. Like tennis, padel tennis has 2 serving opportunities when serving. Except for serving and receiving, which must be hit by designated players, any player can hit the ball in the air.


Losing points and out of bounds

In the following situations, the opponent will get one point:


  1. The ball bounces 2 or more times in its own court;


  1. The ball hits the wire mesh, lamp post or any other fixed device before passing the net or landing on the opponent’s court. If the ball hits the wire mesh or wall before landing on the opponent’s court, it is considered out of bounds and the opponent gets one point.